Set goals now and save for what you really want Product Information Check in anytime to see exactly where your personal finances are at for the month. Call it financial planning or budgeting if you prefer but it's really just being smart about where you stand. Quicken shows you what's coming in going out and most importantly what's left over each month to spend or save. Bring your online accounts including banking credit card loan 401 and investing accounts together all in one place. Avoid the hassle of going to multiple web sites. Now you can see it all in one place with just one password. Access over 6000 banks brokerages and other financial institutions See what bills have already been paid what's coming up and if you have enough left in your accounts to cover them -- all in one convenient place. Set reminders to pay bills on time and instantly check past bills if you need to verify an unusual charge or transaction. An intuitive My Savings Plan summarizes your actual spending and compares it to what you plannedto spend for the month. Quickly see where you have room to spend or save more. The Quicken Investing Portfolio gives you a 360 view across all of your investments anytime from anywhere. Define goals set targets and perform thorough analysis of your 401 stock investments and mutual funds with advanced tools and investing reports. Get alerts on your favorite stocks and funds to help you make informed decisions when investing. Quicken Deluxe 2009 gives you all of the features of Quicken Starter Edition plus additional personal finance tools to help you manage spending and growsavings. New FeaturesSave money and shop smartQuicken's new free service Quicken Picks - helps you make the most of everydollar. Quicken Picks seeks out the best online coupons and discount offers just for you on the stuff you care about. And with Quicken Picks you get cash backon all your purchases helping you save even more. You can sign up for Quicken Picks
Intuit Quicken Deluxe 2009 (OLD VERSION)
Model Of Item : 406483
Product Brand : Intuit
Available : In Stock
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Product Overview See how Quicken Deluxe 2009 can help you save. Quicken Deluxe Overview (1:42) |
![]() Watch introductory videos and get step-by-step instructions on how to add your online banking and credit card accounts. |
![]() Quicken shows you what's coming in, going out, and most importantly, what's left over each month to spend or save. |
![]() See what bills have already been paid, what's coming up, and if you have enough left in your accounts to cover them -- all in one convenient place. |
See where your money is going (a.k.a. "money management")
Check in anytime to see exactly where your personal finances are at for the month. Call it "financial planning" or "budgeting," if you prefer, but it's really just being smart about where you stand. Quicken shows you what's coming in, going out, and most importantly, what's left over each month to spend or save.
View all your finances in one place
Bring your online accounts -- including banking, credit card, loan, 401(k), and investing accounts -- together all in one place. Avoid the hassle of going to multiple web sites. Now you can see it all in one place with just ONE password. Access over 6,000 banks, brokerages and other financial institutions -- including PayPal.(1)
Never miss a bill
See what bills have already been paid, what's coming up and if you have enough left in your accounts to cover them -- all in one convenient place. Set reminders to pay bills on time and instantly check past bills if you need to verify an unusual charge or transaction.
Watch your savings grow
An intuitive "My Savings Plan" summarizes your actual spending and compares it to what you planned to spend for the month. Quickly see where you have room to spend or save more.
Save money and shop smart
Quicken's new, free service -- Quicken Picks -- helps you make the most of every dollar. Quicken Picks seeks out the best online coupons and discount offers just for you -- on items you buy and places you shop most often. And with Quicken Picks, you get cashback on all your purchases, helping you save even more. You can sign up for Quicken Picks anytime within your Quicken software.
Optimize your complete investment portfolio online
The Investing Portfolio gives you a 360° view across all of your investments -- anytime from anywhere. Define goals, set targets, and perform thorough analysis of your 401(k), stock investments, and mutual funds with advanced tools and investing reports. Get alerts on your favorite stocks and funds to help you make informed decisions when investing.
Get help and guidance when you need it
In the Setup tab, you can watch introductory videos and get step-by-step instructions on how to add your online banking and credit card accounts. Enjoy guidance and helpful tips on every page to help you stay on top of regular tasks like downloading transactions or scheduling bills. Instantly connect to the Quicken Community.
Simplify taxes and maximize deductions with TurboTax
Quicken Deluxe pairs perfectly with TurboTax to save you time -- and get you the tax deductions you deserve. Mark expenses as tax deductible throughout the year. Then, easily export your data directly to TurboTax for fast and accurate tax preparation. (2)
Enjoy free support when you buy, install or upgrade Quicken
If you need help purchasing, installing or upgrading your new personal finance software, free phone support is available for Quicken Deluxe 2009 through December 31, 2009. For more information, visit our Help & Support area. (3)
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you're not 100% satisfied, return Quicken Deluxe 2009 personal finance software with your dated receipt within 60 days of purchase for a refund of the purchase price (Return shipping and handling charges are not included). (4)
What's New in 2009
Improved! Never miss a bill
See what bills have already been paid, what's coming up and if you have enough left in your accounts to cover them -- all in one convenient place. Set reminders to pay bills on time and instantly check past bills if you need to verify an unusual charge or transaction.
New! Save money and shop smart
Quicken's new, free service -- Quicken Picks -- helps you make the most of every dollar. Quicken Picks seeks out the best online coupons and discount offers just for you -- on the stuff you care about. And with Quicken Picks, you get cashback on all your purchases, helping you save even more. You can sign up for Quicken Picks anytime within your Quicken 2009 software.
Improved! Optimize your complete investment portfolio online
With a new look and feel and smarter navigation, the new Investing Portfolio gives you a 360° view across all of your investments -- anytime, from anywhere. Define goals, set targets, and perform thorough analysis of your 401(k), stock investments, and mutual funds with advanced tools and investing reports. Get alerts on your favorite stocks and funds to help you make informed decisions about your portfolio.
New! Get help and guidance when you need it
Enjoy guidance and helpful tips on every page to help you stay on top of regular tasks like downloading transactions or scheduling bills. Instantly connect to the Quicken Community.
Improved! Connect to more financial institutions
We are constantly adding new financial institutions to help you better connect to all of your accounts. Quicken Deluxe 2009 personal finance software now offers access to over 6,000 banks, brokerages and other financial institutions -- including PayPal.
What's more, we make it easy to upgrade
Jump right in -- Quicken 20009 easily reads and imports your existing Quicken data.
(1) Online features require Internet access and are subject to change. Services vary among participating financial institutions or other parties and may be subject to application approval, additional terms, conditions and fees. More than 6,122 participating financial institutions as of 05/21/08.
(2) TurboTax sold separately.
(3) Email, Forums and Chat technical support provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Phone technical support provided Monday - Friday, 5:00 am - 5:00 pm PDT. Additional fees may apply.
(4) If you're not 100% satisfied, return Quicken software 2009 with your dated receipt within 60 days of purchase for a refund of the purchase price (return shipping and handling charges not included).
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